
What is a UTID?

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A UTID is a unique reward identifier used to distinguish rewards from one another, every different reward in your catalog has an associated UTID. A UTID follows the format U######.

When to Use It

Enter the UTID for the reward you wish to send in the UTID column of the When filling out the bulk order template to send rewards in bulk when sending rewards in bulk. Learn how to Send bulk rewards with Tango.

Where to Find It

  • The full list of available UTIDs for your platform can be found in the UTID Key tab of your bulk order template. The UTID Key is a snapshot of your catalog at the time the bulk order template is downloaded. If your catalog has changed, download a new bulk order template from the Send rewards page in the Tango portal. Learn how to Send bulk rewards with Tango.
  • When sending rewards from the Tango portal, the UTID for the reward you are sending is visible beneath the reward name when filling out recipient information.
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