
What is an ETID?

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An ETID is a unique identifier associated with each reward email template saved to your Tango platform.

When to Use It

The ETID is used to define which email template is sent with each reward when filling out a Bulk order upload file. Learn how to Send rewards in bulk and how to Create a custom email template.

Where to Find It

  • Click  Templates from the left panel.
  • Beneath each template name is the ETID in the format E######.
  • Click inside the box containing the ETID to copy it to your clipboard.
  • The full list of available ETIDs for your platform can also be found in the ETID Key tab of your Bulk Order Template for ease of use.  Learn how to Send rewards in bulk.
TitleWhat is an ETID?
URL NameWhatisanETID

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