
Create an email template

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When sending digital rewards with Tango, you can customize the email message with personalized messaging and branding at the time of ordering, or hard-code your message into an email template.

Every Tango Platform comes with our standard Tango email template (E000000). For a more customized look, create your own custom email templates and set it as default for your organization or at the Group or Account level. You can create multiple custom email templates for every occasion. If you would like to send rewards immediately, use the standard Tango template with the Tango logo at the top of each email.

Creating an email template involves multiple steps:

  1. Building an email template
  2. Managing the template access level
  3. Setting the email template as default (optional)

Before building an email template, let’s get familiar with the following terminology:





Hard-coded text

Text entered into the email template's fields that appears the same in every reward email issued to recipients.

If you are sending the same message to all reward recipients - this can be hard-coded by entering the static message text into the Message Body field.

Dynamic field

Text that changes in reward emails based on information entered when placing an order

If you are personalizing a message to each recipient, inserting the dynamic tag {{message}} into the Message Body field will populate the field with a message entered in the bulk upload message column, or allows it to be overwritten when sending rewards using the standard order method.
Learn how to Use dynamic tags in email templates.


A unique ID associated with an email template. Each custom template is randomly assigned an ETID upon creation.

When creating a bulk order upload file, there is a column to insert an ETID for each order. 
Learn how to Send rewards in bulk.
Learn about What is an ETID?

Step 1: Build an email template

In this step you customize the email template, including the email banner, message, and more.

To build an email template:

  1. Sign in to the Tango portal.
  2. On the left menu panel, click  Templates.
  3. In the Email templates page, click Create Email Template at the top-right corner.

  4. Enter a Template name and continue.
  5. In the Details page customize fields that appear when the template is sent out:
Field NamePurposeRequired/optional

Sender Name/
From Name

Enter a name that appears as the Sender/From Name in your email. This name shows up next to your email address in the recipient’s inbox when the reward email is sent. It also appears as any {{from_name}} tags you insert in your email template. The From Name can be edited at the time of order.

Note: You cannot use dynamic tags in Sender Name/From Name field, but the value for this field can be used in the {{from_name}} dynamic tag. You can also update the From Name field when editing the template while sending rewards, or by using the From Name column in bulk order upload.

Learn how to Use dynamic tags in email templates.



Enter the email subject line (up to 100 characters) that appears as the email subject for reward emails. This field can use Dynamic Tags; learn how to Use dynamic tags in email templates.


Add header image

Upload a banner image which appears at the top of your reward emails. It must be 650px x 150px in PNG or JPEG format. Images that have different dimensions may appear distorted.

Note: If no image is uploaded, the standard Tango logo appears.


Image alt text

If the recipient's email client or browser does not download the header image, the alt text appears instead. Screen readers also read out the alt text for the image. This can be your company name, or the text that is on your custom header.


Accent color

The color chosen is used to display the card $ amount, the redemption URL, and To Redeem in the recipient's email. The color must be in a hexadecimal code or selected using the color picker in the template builder.


Message body

Enter hard-coded text, the {{message}} dynamic tag, or a combination of hard-coded text and Dynamic Tags. Dynamic tags only populate when corresponding fields have been filled out in the order. You can override the message body for any template when you Send rewards with Tango by selecting to edit the template per line item. The message body can be a maximum of 3,000 characters.

Learn how to Use dynamic tags in email templates. Learn more about different Ways to customize reward email messages with a reward email for individual and multiple rewards.



Enter hard-coded text, the {{from_name}} dynamic tag, or a combination of the two.

Learn how to Use dynamic tags in email templates.


Recipient support message

By default, this is a link to the Tango support center. If you'd like to include your own customer-service information, clear the checkbox. By choosing not to use Tango’s customer support, you’re taking responsibility for providing first-tier support to your recipients.

Note: We highly recommend leaving this box checked.


  1. Review the email template, and click Next at the top to go to the Access Level page.

All required fields must be filled out before moving on to the next step. Refer to our documents to learn how to Manage reward templates and Use dynamic tags in email templates.

Step 2: Manage email template access level

In this step you set the customized template access to the entire Tango Platform or specific Accounts and Groups.
  • Email template access level can be set at the Platform (organization), Group, or Account level. The same access levels can be set for users.
  • A user who has Manage permissions for email templates can create and edit templates at their level of Platform access.
  • Learn how to Set user permissions and access level.

To manage email template access level:

  1. Move to the Access Level tab.
  2. Select whether a template will be accessible by:
    • The entire organization: A template with Organization Access is visible to all users on this Tango Platform, regardless of their access level.
    • Specific Groups or Accounts: A template with Specific Access (Group) is visible to all users who have access to the entire Group or Accounts under that Group. A template with Specific Access (Account) is visible to all users who have access to that specific Account. You can allow multiple Groups and Accounts access the same template via Specific Access.
  3. Click Next to move to the next page in order to set the default email template.

Step 3: Set default email template (optional)

In this step, you can optionally set the template as the default for your entire Tango Platform (organization) or for specific Accounts and Groups. Setting it as a default is useful for when you would like to send all the rewards using the same template by default. A default template can still be edited at the time of sending rewards.
Note: If a template has its access levels set to specific Groups or Accounts, that template can only be used as the default at its highest level of specific access. For example, a template that has its access level set to a specific Account can only be used as the default for that Account; it can't be set as the default for a specific Group or the Platform.

To set default email template:

  1. Move to the Template Default tab.

  2. Select whether the template will be set as the default at the Platform (organization), Group, or Account level. When choosing Group or Account as the default level, a drop-down menu populates with all available Groups and Accounts. The default can be selected from the list.
    Select None if you don't want your template to be a default for any organization level.

  3. Click Save. A banner appears to confirm the email template was created successfully. The new template is available under Reward Templates and shows its unique email template ID (ETID) and whether or not it’s set as the default for any Platform level.

  • If a template is set as the default at the Account level, regardless of other default templates, making from that Account will always use its default template automatically.
  • If a template is set as the default at the Group level, making orders from any Accounts within that Group will use its default template automatically unless a specific Account within that Group has a template set as its default. The Account-level default template will override the Group level default template.
  • If a template is set as the default at the Platform (organization) level, making orders from any Account that doesn't have a default template assigned to it either at the Group or Account level will use the default Platform-level template. The Account and Group-level templates will override the Platform-level default template.
  • When placing an order, if you switch the Account from which the order is made, and a different template is set as its default, you'll receive a notification.

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TitleCreate an email template
URL NameHowtoCreateaCustomEmailTemplate

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