You can get notified anytime a credit card is used to pay for an order or pre-fund an account. Set up a list of recipients to get credit card email notifications when registering a new credit card with Tango, or edit the existing list to add more (total of six) recipients. See how to Register credit cards.
An email receipt is automatically sent to the user who initiates the credit card funding. Credit card receipts can also be downloaded from the Funding history page. See View funding history in Tango.
Note: You must have access to the account with the registered credit card, and the Funding Manage permissions, to update the recipient list of the credit card transaction receipts.
To set up credit card notifications:
- Sign in to the Tango portal.
- Follow the instructions to add a new credit card. See how to Register credit cards.
- Under Receipts, enter an email addresses to receive a notification every time this credit card is used to add funds to the account. The email address of the user who's registering the credit card is populated by default. You can add additional five (5) email addresses separated by commas.
- Click Save credit card.
A receipt is automatically emailed to the user who initiates the funding. You can also download the credit card receipts from the Funding history page. See View funding history in Tango.
- If you believe your email has been wrongly removed from receiving receipts, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or immediately.
- The primary email address cannot be edited after the credit card is registered. You must delete the credit card on the Tango account and re-register it with the updated primary email address. A deleted credit card, must go through the registration wait period in order to be added to your Tango account again.
Update the credit card notification recipient list
You may need to update the notification recipients email addresses occasionally or as your team members move. Here’s how:
Best practice: As a best practice, we recommend you to check and update your notification email list periodically to remove old email addresses.
To update the credit card notification recipient list:
- Sign in to the Tango portal.
- Click
Account switcher on top left and confirm you are in the correct account. - With the right account selected, click
Funding. - Click the existing credit card for which you would like to update the recipients. The Edit card details page opens.
- Scroll down to see Receipts at the end.
- Under Additional emails, enter email addresses separated by comma. You can add up to five (5) additional recipients.
- Click Save credit card.
A message appears that the update’s been successful. The credit card receipt will be emailed to the email recipient(s) next time a credit card is used to pay for an order or pre-fund an account.
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