
Order, reward, and email statuses in Tango

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With Tango you can track the order you have placed, check out the status of individual line items within an order, check the status of every reward, and check the deliverability status of every reward email you send. 

To see different statuses, you can learn about reviewing order or reward history: 

Different statuses within Tango

There are multiple statuses to be aware of when sending rewards with Tango, here is what the different statuses are:
  • Order status: An order refers to a unique instance when a single or multiple rewards are sent at the same time with Tango. An order status affects all rewards in the order.
  • Line item status: A line item is a single unique reward within an order, an order may have one or multiple line items. The line item status only refers to the single unique reward, and not the whole order.
  • Email status: Digital rewards sent with Tango are sent by email, the email status shows whether the reward email was received.
  • Reward status: The reward status refers to specifically if the reward issued can be used.

What do different Order statuses mean?

The following table shows the statuses of an entire reward order that is placed with Tango. Learn more about how to Send rewards with Tango.

Order statusDescription
CompleteThe order is processed, and all rewards in the order have been sent. See line item statuses below.
PendingThe order needs a little longer to process. Pending orders should be processed and delivered within one (1) business day. Orders placed on Friday afternoon or over the weekend may be processed on the following Monday or the next business day. Once the order is delivered, its status changes to Complete
PartialSome of the line items in the order are processed successfully while others have not. Click on the Reference Order ID to view specific line item statuses and determine which rewards were sent or failed.
FailedThe entire order is unable to be sent. Your account is refunded for the total value of the order. We recommend sending rewards again to ensure your rewards are still sent.

For more information on why your order is failed, see our Tango Reward Status, or email and make sure to include the Reference Order ID of your failed order.
CancelledThe order is cancelled and the funds are refunded to the account. Send new rewards if needed.
Note: The order may be cancelled due to an insufficient inventory to fulfill a bulk order upload. You can check the availability of the items in our Tango Reward Status page.

What do different Line item statuses mean?

The following table shows the statuses of line items within an order placed with Tango.

Line Item statusDescription
ProcessedThis status applies to Printed Reward Links only. It means this line item has been mailed and will be received by the recipient in 7–10 business days.
DeliveredThe line item email has been successfully sent to the recipient's email address and we've received confirmation from the recipient's email server that the email is received. Only digital rewards will show as Delivered.
SentThe line item email has been successfully sent to the recipient's email address, but we haven't received confirmation from the recipient's email server that the email is received. It is still possible that the email may have arrived in the recipient's inbox. 
Not DeliveredThe reward email for the line item is sent but not delivered. It can be due to several factors, such as: the reward is sent to an invalid email address or to a spam filter. Refer to our content Resend Reward Emails to learn how to resend a reward email to an alternate email address. 
FailedThe line item is is unable to be sent. Your account is refunded for the value of the line item. We recommend sending rewards again to ensure your reward is still sent.

For more information on why your order is failed, see our Tango Reward Status, or email and make sure to include the Reference Order ID of your failed order.

What do different Email statuses mean?

The following table shows the statuses of the reward emails.

Email status


DeliveredSentThe reward email is sent successfully to the recipient's email address, but we haven't received confirmation from the recipient's email server that the email is received. It is still possible that the email may have arrived in the recipient's inbox.
DeliveredWe've received confirmation the reward email is successfully delivered to the recipient's inbox.

You can also see if a recipient has opened their email and clicked any links via the Open and Click labels. If you don't see either of these labels, the email either hasn't been opened or we haven't received data from the recipient's email server.
Note: Not all reward emails contain links. Look for the confirmation message for the opened email to determine its delivery.
PendingDeferredThe reward email cannot be delivered immediately, and it hasn’t been completely rejected. We will continue to try for 72 hours to deliver a deferred message.
ProcessedOur email server has attempted to deliver the reward email. If an order is showing Processed as its most recent status, wait a few minutes and check again for a Delivered or Not Delivered status.
Not DeliveredNot DeliveredWe are unable to deliver the reward email. We suggest requesting a different email address from the recipient to which you can resend the reward. Use the Resend action for the reward from Order History to send it to a new email address for the same recipient. Only users with Manage permissions for Order History can resend rewards to a new email address for the same recipient.
BlockedThe email is blocked by an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or messaging organization.
Note: We recommend trying the following troubleshooting techniques before resending the reward email:
  • Make sure recipient has added to safelist for their email account where they receive the rewards.

  • Update your email template to avoid use of spam language in the email subjects or excessive use of punctuation like ($$!!) and resend the reward email.

BouncedThe recipient's email server cannot deliver the email to the email address entered. Use the Resend action for the reward from Order History to send it to a new email address for the same recipient. Only users with Manage permissions for Order History can resend rewards to a new email address for the same recipient.
DroppedWe were unable to deliver to this recipient. Resend reward email to an alternative email address.
Spam ReportThe recipient or recipient's organization marked the email as spam. Ask the recipient to check their spam folder and mark the reward email as not spam. 
UnsubscribeThe recipient has indicated they no longer wish to receive emails from Tango. Please resend reward email to an alternative email address.
Not ApplicableNot ApplicableThe reward is either physically mailed or the email is not managed by Tango. It is not available as an email status filter currently.

What do different Reward statuses mean?

The reward status determines whether a reward can be used. The following table shows our reward status:

Reward statusDescription
ActiveThe reward is active and able to be redeemed as long it is not expired or fully redeemed.
FrozenThe reward is frozen and cannot be redeemed by the recipient. Unfreeze the reward to allow redemption.
CancelledThe reward has been cancelled and cannot be redeemed by the recipient. The funds have also been refunded for this reward. Send new rewards if needed.
Refund PendingThe reward is cancelled and a refund is being processed.

Common questions about statuses in Tango

Checking your order, line item, or email status can help you take troubleshooting steps to help make sure your rewards are sent out and your recipients get them.

Why is my order Pending? When will my rewards arrive?

When you see a Pending status, the order needs a little longer to process. Pending orders are processed and sent out within one (1) business day. Orders placed on Friday afternoon or over the weekend may be processed on the following Monday or the next business day. Once the order is sent out, its status changes to Complete. If your order is Pending for longer than one business day, use the Chat Agent at the bottom right of the screen to open a support case with Tango.

The reward email is Not Delivered; Why did the email bounce?

The recipient's email server cannot deliver the email to the email address entered. Use the Resend action for the reward from Order History to send it to a new email address for the same recipient. Only users with Manage permissions for Order History can resend rewards to a new email address for the same recipient.

A specific brand order failed; Why is my order or line item failing?

Check that the reward you are trying to send is not part of an outage using the Tango Rewards Status feed:
If you don't see the brand(s) that are failing on the status page, try sending the rewards again. If you continue experiencing errors sending specific rewards, use the Chat Agent at the bottom right of the screen to open a support case with Tango.

If a reward Bounced, why didn't I get a refund?

A reward sent with Tango is separate from the email used to deliver its information, so when an order is placed all reward information is generated and sent out. The email is a delivery method for the reward, and the gift card contained in that email exists outside of the email that was sent. Since the gift card was generated and sent with a specific recipient in mind, Tango has features that allow senders to help ensure delivery. These include the ability to resend a reward to a new email address for the same recipient, and the ability to view the redemption credentials in order to share them with a recipient using another method if the reward email doesn't work.
The only rewards that are automatically refunded are the ones with a Failed status.
More resources:
TitleOrder, reward, and email statuses in Tango
URL NameOrderStatuses

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